Project Finance Course

Date: October 19, 21, 26 and 28, 2020.

One of the biggest restrictions to the acceleration of Brazilian economic development is the low volume of investments in the area of ​​infrastructure. It is enough to note that currently these investments correspond to approximately 1.5% of the GDP (5.5% in the seventies and 4.5% in the current world average).

Considering the gravity of the country’s fiscal situation, it is clear that the recovery of infrastructure necessarily involves greater participation by the private sector, which can be made possible through Public – Private Partnerships and via concessions / privatizations.

Against this background, the course explores and provides a reflection on important aspects to be able to increase the level of investment in infrastructure in Brazil.

Objective: To encourage participants to reflect on Project Finance aspects and on Infrastructure challenges, with sectorial highlights, PPPs, Rating and Cases (Case Analysis), including best practices observed in the international market.

At the end of the course, the participant will be able to discern the central aspects that involve this modality, including risk analysis and attribution, challenges, contractual structure, regulatory aspects, use of financial instruments and case studies.

Methodology: The course will be taught through online lectures, presentation of case studies, application of dynamics and practical activities in virtual groups.


  1. Introduction to Project Finance, PPPs and concessions
    1. Concepts, principles and contractual structure
    2. Comparison with corporate finance, guarantee mechanisms, risk allocation, challenges
    3. Case study
  2. General and introductory aspects of economic and financial modeling
    1. General concepts for preparing the project’s cash flow, leveraged and shareholder flow
  3. Rating
    1. Concepts and methodology for rating Project finance in infrastructure projects
    2. View of rating agencies
    3. Case study
  4. Economic and financial rebalancing of contracts
    1. Application of legal basis
    2. Case study

Teacher: Luciana Nazar worked with a portfolio of more than R $ 11 billion in financing major national and international infrastructure projects in the energy, sanitation, roads, airports and ports sectors. More than 15 years as senior executive of large multinational companies such as Alcoa, Votorantim Metais, Fitch Ratings (Director of Project Finance and Infrastructure), Lend Lease (Director of Project Finance) and Foz do Brasil (BRK Ambiental). She is currently founding partner and CEO of Fineggi Capital, in which she develops Private Equity and Project Finance consulting projects, analysis and complete economic-financial advice in the area of ​​infrastructure, with services such as financing solutions; assistance to banks, capital markets and other investors in raising funds for investments and startups of innovation projects; Models for concessions and Public-Private Partnerships;Mergers and acquisitions; analysis of the economic and financial situation of companies and analysis and identification of shareholder value.

Bachelor of Public Administration with a postgraduate degree in Administration and Finance, both from the School of Business Administration of São Paulo (EAESP-FGV); he was a scholar of extension and academic exchange at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Wien-WU); member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), of the selection and investing committee of GVAngels (angel investors network created by FGV alumni) and was part of the leaderboard of the 32nd edition of Forbes magazine. She has worked in Europe, the USA and in countries in North and Latin America, and is a reference in the Project Finance and Infrastructure market.

Co-author of the book “Infrastructure Challenges in Brazil”, and the book “Treaty on Public-Private Partnerships”, Volume 7.

Código de Ética

A Fineggi não tolera condutas que caracterizam assédio, preconceito ou qualquer tipo de discriminação, como exemplos:

i) preferências, favorecimentos ou vantagens indevidas, sejam quais forem decorrentes de posição social, hierárquica ou tempo de trabalho;

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